Episode 04—Jeff Galbraith

In 2001, Jeff Galbraith and his wife Jessie Lu moved from Idaho to Seattle and started frequency: The Snowboarder's Journal. Over the next eight years, that first title would be followed by The Ski Journal in 2006, and in 2009, The Flyfish Journal. 

Since its inception, The Flyfish Journal has carved out a unique place in the world of arts and letters in fly fishing. Galbraith's dedication to finding the best possible content--and to presenting that content in archival quality issues that will be at home on your bookshelf for years to come--has given the lie to the commonly heard maxim that "print is dead."

This episode is made possible with support from Patagonia.

You can subscribe to The Fly Tapes in iTunes and Stitcher.

Music: Twinkle Twinkle (Instrumental) by David Mumford, from Free Music Archive, under CC BY 4.0.